The most enjoyable assignment among all others assignment of this subject I could say, because I get a chance to have a day trip with my course mates. Before 1 week of the day trip, we arranged among our self into group of four. And I was group with Chiang Shu Ling, Chong Shin Wen and Tia Nelisa. I am glad that I could have such a good group mates like them. We discussed about the themes we need for batik and we came out 4 (Japanese, Chinese, Skeletons, Lanterns). After that, we combined some into few sketches. During the class, we showed Ms Maslisa our sketches and ideas. Fortunately, she like it so much and after that we done some colour scheme and detail sketch.
Finally, we went for a day trip! I was so happy but stress at the same time, because when doing the first step of making batik, I messed up Shu ling's part. I felt bad because she need to do a new piece of batik. To make sure I would not make any mistake again, I stay up fully focus. At the end, my performance better. We finished our batik on time, and I am so glad we have a good teamwork because due to other groups, most of them just like 1 people do 1 piece. As for us, we did it all together 4 people do 1 piece. Thus, I appreciate I had a chance to done a batik by my own and my group mates.

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